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Samurai 7.0

Artistic Director Davis Robinson has teamed up with composer Don Dinicola and founding members Lisa Tucker, Elyse Garfinkel, and Larry Coen to create an original production inspired by the epic film "The Seven Samurai". This timeless tale of an eclectic band of spiritual warriors who come out of retirement to defeat bandits has been set in feudal Japan, the mythic West, and the battlefields of Europe. It is now the launching point for a contemporary theatrical experiment using music, movement, puppetry, lighting, and our own cinematic language for the stage to explore the resonance of these films, our need for heroes, the power of the number seven, and the ways in which live action can evoke a celluloid world. Performance at the Calderwood Pavilion, Boston Center for the Arts, June 7-24.


Watch the Samurai 7.0 Trailer!

small (iPod) trailer (6.8 MB)   large trailer (16.2 MB)

"Samurai 7.0 is funny, poetic, and grand"

"...conveys the mood and tone of Kurosawa's sweeping masterpiece with an eerie, lyrical force."

"their work feels fresh and free and alive"

"hilarious sight gags...moments of delicate beauty. To describe them would take away some of the delight of discovering them."

—Boston Globe

"Samurai 7.0 has a breathtakingly epic sweep."

"humorous, serious, silly, and mysterious."

"Compelling performances...amazing images."

"an intriguing balance of opulence and simplicity."

—Boston Herald

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Beau Jest Moving Theater
Tel: 207-725-3424 us@beaujest.com
Design © Don Reed dreed@dreed.com